Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Our windlass crapped out on us on the long weekend. At first we thought it was the solenoid and we went and bought an auto solenoid and installed it, WRONG, auto solenoids are not the same and would have screwed up the system. So after Barry and a buddy mucked around with the wiring for most of the day we called an expert. He proceeded to test everything and discovered the wire that ran from the solenoid to the windlass motor at the deck connection was badly corroded and falling to pieces. He took the windlass motor in for an upgrade and we had to replace the corroded wire.

It was a real challenge because the wire was buried behind wood in our v-berth so we had to practically dismantle the wood to get at the wiring. I took a series of pictures to show you where the wire went to and what we had to do.
Picture 1 shows you wire coming through the deck and into the anchor locker
Picture 2 shows the wire runningdown the front edge of the v-
berth behind a board. This was the board that caused us the most problems. We had to take it off, the screws were buried under teak plugs, then we had to take a ceiling board off that was holding it in and we had to undo the railing for the shelf that runs the length of the v-berth, NOT FUN.

Picture 3 is this little we hatch that the wire entered when it came from the wall. You had to squeeze your hands in there and manipulate the wire around to get it out.

Picture 4 is off the hatch beside our fuel tank in the v-berth, that is why it is a triangle shape. The wire runs through this hatch and connects to the solenoid.

Picture 5 is the solenoid. It was replaced with the auto solenoid that will not work. We had temporarily put the old solenoid back but on further thought Barry went and bought a new one and will install it. The other wire from the motor is just as difficult to get at. It runs all the way up to the front of the mast under the floorboards. We have got it out but have not replaced it yet. The old wire was all copper wire and we have upgraded it with tinned wire.

Now all we have to do is wait for the motor to be reconditioned and we will head up island with a wonderful dependable windlass. It is just as well we came back to Sidney to get it fixed because we have been to and fro alot to the chandlery.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Lollygager said...

Oh the joy of working on something that has the boat built around it.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Lollygager said...

Hmmm... we feel your pain. I might have opted to snip it at both ends and run it through an easier route... if there is one. Good luck! Merry Christmas


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